A message from Carl D’Ammassa, Chairman of the Board of Directors – Leasing Foundation
I am delighted to be writing to you as the Leasing Foundation’s new Chairman of the Board. I am proud to be associated with the significant achievements the Foundation has achieved in its short life. Whether that’s pushing the personal development of those in our industry; launching the Future Leaders Programme; encouraging diversity through theWomen in Leasing group; providing quality research and insight on topics of relevance for our industry; the launch of an industry wide Young Professionals Network; hosting industry wide networking events and raising money for charity or as we’ve seen most recently launching the MA in Leasing & Asset Finance – there is much the Foundation has to be proud of.
You may not be aware but the Foundation has grown considerably since its inception in 2012 and we now have over 180 Governors and Fellows, who represent a cross section of industry participants and corporate entities. Whilst we have these impressive numbers amongst our ranks, it is clear to the Board and I that a large proportion of the Foundation’s achievements to date have centred on the efforts and financial support of a much smaller set of individuals and corporates that share a passion for the Foundation’s objectives and purpose. Whilst there is much we want to achieve as an organisation, it is obvious that we have limited resources and capacity to deliver on the entire stack of ideas and objectives we have in place.
For me it is critical that we reignite and refocus the principles on which the Foundation’s purpose was established, that reason for being, driving clarity as to why we exist as an organisation, whilst ensuring we are aligning ourselves to the core values and objectives our founding Governors laid out over 4 years ago. That’s why we’ll be building our 2020 Plan. Over the coming weeks and months, the Board and I will be meeting to agree that set of critical objectives; ensure we are clear what Governors and Fellows can expect from the Foundation; what it means to be amongst our membership and what the Foundation needs and will ultimately expect from you – our Governors and Fellows – to help deliver our 2020 Plan. Additionally we will be ensuring links between the Finance & Leasing Association are enhanced given the excellent work they also do in representing the corporate bodies of our industry.

These are exciting times for me to be joining the Board and helping position the Foundation for future success and longer term sustainability, supported by a wider group of industry participants. I am very much hopeful that I’ll be able to share more on our 2020 Plan before we close out 2016.
Naturally as we move forward, I’d be delighted to hear the thoughts of any Governors or Fellows who share the passion the Board and I do to develop the individuals in our industry.